Tips and Trics for RV camping

Here are some of our tips and tricks for RV camping. We have taken a deep look into our previous experiences and share our knowledge with you so that you can enjoy your trip one-hundred percent. 

Plan an RV-safe route

Use navigation apps to plan a safe route. The height of an RV should not limit you on the main roads, but you have to be more careful at some moments than when driving regular cars.

To find suitable campsites for RV’s in Finland visit BestPark website and in Europe visit the Camping Europe website

Take a practice drive

While RV camping, driving a big car like an RV is a new experience for most people. So before you start your trip, take a few minutes, do a brake test in the parking lot, and try a few left and right turns on the streets nearby. 

Know where to park your RV

Be patient. Sometimes it might be a bit of a challenge to park your RV if the parking lots of malls and diners are full. Usually, the solution is to park at the farthest corner of the parking lot or a few blocks away from the restaurant. 

Pre select a few campsites on the road

Although it is fun sometimes to wander and park in beautiful locations, it is reasonable to plan a few stops at camping sites. You can empty your dump tank and refill your water tank in some of them. 

Learn campsite rules

If you are staying at a camping site, take a few moments to learn the rules. There might be a mandatory curfew when it is prohibited to use your generator. Be friendly to other campers and do not invade someone’s privacy. 

Be careful with fire

If possible, always make a fire in the designated campfire site. However, if that is not an option, make sure you take all precautions to ensure everyone’s safety. 

Change the way you drive

Since RV is heavier than the cars most of us are used to. You have to be more aware while on the road. You need to start braking earlier and reduce speed in tight corners—more than your regular car. 

Check your RV before you start your daily drive

We recommend performing a visual check on your RV after a night on a camping site. Visually check the lights, tire pressure, and that all power or water lines are disconnected.